We believe that by providing families with a Family Development Plan (FDP) along with resources, motivation, and an accountability partner we can increase their potential to overcome poverty. While participating in our Family First Program, families meet with a licensed Family Development Specialist and are encouraged to set realistic goals for both themselves as individuals as well as goals for their family. Families are encouraged to set career goals, financial goals, and parenting goals. Once a family has developed an FDP, they meet weekly with their FDS for support and are linked to community partners that provide assistant with accomplishing their goals.

The Family First takes a holistic approach to family stabilization. Family First assist parenting partners with developing a Family Development Plan (FDP) with each participant’s associated goals and benchmarks for success along with intensive case-management.
There are five core components that the Family First Program. The “Family First” approach focuses on, and when utilized together they create a framework to work holistically with families seeking support.
The Family First five core areas include:
Joining – Interviewing and communication skills, building relationships, and cultural competency
Assessment – Assessing family strengths, challenges and resources
Planning – Develop well-formed goals and create plans to reach a family’s vision towards self-sufficiency
Support – Evaluate barriers that may prevent families from moving forward
Linking – Connecting families to community partners by providing effective referrals while continuing to support the family
The program encourages work with the entire family with the result leading them to self-sufficiency