Our Mission
To provide tools and strategies to families in underprivileged communities to aid in empowering them to overcome poverty.

Our Values
Inspire: To Inspire families to obtain success despite their current situation
Support: To support families during their journey to accomplishing their goals
Celebrate: To be the first to acknowledge and celebrate milestones and accomplishments

Our Programs
Urban Family Development Center works to make certain every family has access to the resources required to overcome poverty. We believe that “Family is Everything” we believe that community stabilization must start with stabilizing individual families. We do this through interrelated programs:
• Fresh Start – Skilled Trade Training Program
• Dads2B – Educations Sessions for Current and Expecting Fathers
• Family First – Family Development and Goal Setting Program

What Makes UFDC Unique
Urban Family Development Center offers a two-generation holistic approach to overcoming poverty by empowering parents and their children. While there are numerous organizations throughout Franklin County that offers programming designed to combat poverty to men and women, we are intentional about designing programing that is specific to the entire family