Coming Soon
Our objective is to create opportunities for ex-offenders and those currently in our communities entering the workforce, by providing hands on skilled training and resources that will enable clients to obtain gainful employment.
We believe in serving our clients through a holistic approach; bringing them full circle through promoting healthy relationships, mentally, and physically.We believe that by linking individuals to their purpose, aligning them with the right skills, and providing them with opportunities, they will be able to advance as productive members of society. Placing a skills/trade in our client’s hands will reduce crime rates and recidivism ultimately strengthening our communities.
Our goal is to offer training in a construction related trade bridging the gap between ex-offenders and employers. Obtaining these skills individuals that have experienced difficulties becoming gainfully employed will be able to move toward the path of employment and entrepreneurship carving out their own attainable rights to success, as well as employ others who may be seeking the same opportunities in the future.

All students study in their specific trade as well as receiving Job Readiness, Resume Writing, and Mock Interviewing training. In our holistic approach Urban Family Development also offers training in Decision Making, Think Errors, and Referrals to GED Instruction and Parenting. We will offer training in the following:
Concrete Finishing
Electronic Systems Technician
Floor Layer
Heavy Equipment Operator
To ensure successful reentry into society Urban Family Development Center provides case management, Individualized career assessments and ongoing job coaching to all participants.